Added terms:
The file includes minor linguistic corrections from the previous release.
The archive file also includes the "lang-arabic-advblocks.php" translation for you to copy into your /admin/language directory.
Please feel free to include both of these files in CVS.
Mahmood Al-Yousif
btw, the same rule would also apply to similar devices like quotes or polls: when there is a localised version, great show it, otherwise choose the one in the web sites default language.
a more complicated option would be that the users could choose their lanbgaue preferences: best language, second best language, 3rd best language, so taht anytime you have no content in one language you could switch in the sequence given by the user.
For installation as well as upgrading, you just need to run the install.php file in your root directory, change your config.php for your database settings, and then delete the install file. All of the upgrades can be done from that file.
A prepared post will follow this one with more details on the release, but I just wanted to keep everyone up to date on the work and the release.
My sincere thanks go out to all that helped with this release.