Recovery Console for PostNuke .8+ - Now Available
Onboard Tools
Configuration OverviewDisplays many site config settings including module, block and theme detection.
Database Access RecoveryRe-encodes database credentials for the config.php file.
Theme RecoveryResets default site theme and/or resets user-applied themes.
Disabled Site RecoveryYou wondered what turning your site off would do...now you know! This utility restores the site to the "on" state.
Modules Module RecoveryDeletes any Modules modules entries found in the database and freshly installs the Modules module to the System category.
Blocks RecoveryA chart displays important block data and allows for disabling and/or deleting any content blocks. Changing the state of multiple blocks at a time is supported.
PostNuke Site SearchA built-in search bar searches the PostNuke site for content by keywords. Searches for matches in the following modules at this time: pagesetter, users, downloads, weblinks, comments, ezcomments, all news stories/topics, and all forums.
PHP InformationPHP info is displayed by section via a tidy menu.
About The ApplicationA dedicated page that displays licensing, credit and other general information.
Additional Features
Cross-browser-compatible CSS layout.
Highly accessible onscreen display.
Visual, interactive, informative navigation.
Various (but few) core images used for aesthetic lists.
Succinct onscreen instructions for each utility.
All actions require confirmation and provide error/status messages.
All forms re-populate themselves upon error.
Applicable current settings are displayed on every page, before and after recovery.
Utilities that are not needed intelligently disable themselves.
User input cleansing.
Filename can be changed without breaking the application.
Time-sensitive application lockdown.
Gracefully Degrades When
PostNuke version is less than .8x.
PostNuke initialization fails.
Application is under lockdown.
Application is uploaded to incorrect location.
Of Other Interest
Written as a PHP class.
Extremely commented code.
Output source is XHTML 1.0 Strict; tidy and skimmable.
Quietly runs with E_ALL enabled.
A big thanks to all who contributed to the original PSAK, which was the strongest inspiration behind this Recovery Console, and to those who contributed with ideas, feedback and testing of the PNRC, thanks for your time and effort!
Download the PostNuke Recovery Console now!
Generated on May 10, 2007.
PostNuke Recovery Console - Additional Feature Requests
then perform any repair operations by visiting the file in your browser and following the onscreen instructions, same as the PSAK.
One major improvement over the PSAK is that the Recovery Console has a countdown timer built into it which will only allow the application to be used for xyz amount of time, after which the file automatically locks out further access to the code therein. A realtime graphical timer (Javascript-based) visually shows you how much time you have left to use the Recovery Console. (The Javascript is purely for display purposes, and not relied upon for security.) As the PostNuke system does not make any checks for this Recovery Console, it could easily be left on one's server accidentally and thus, misused. To this end, the lockdown feature might be of some comfort.
A few other items of interest about the Recovery Console:
Aesthetic, CSS-based layout. Nothing hacky, very straight-forward classes.
Consistent navigation.
Fixes that require database, when no database present, are visually disabled for clarity.
Each utility shows the current status of what it's about to fix, before it fixes it, and after.
Inline explanatory texts help you make the proper fixes.
Overview of recovery-related site settings.
Informational page about the application.
Status messages tell you exactly what's going on.
Large countdown timer lets you know how long you have left to use the application.
Works with PostNuke .8+ (including MS2+)
Highly accessible.
Specific fixes onboard at this time mirror those of the PSAK:
Encode Database Credentials
Toggle Intranet/Internet Usage
Broken Theme Recovery
Permissions Recovery
Disabled Site Recovery / Turning Site Back On
Modules module Recovery
The code is written so that other fixes can easily be added and thus, if you have any suggestions for other utilities to incorporate into the PostNuke Recovery Console, please share them! I'm at a point where I am commenting the file now, and that will take me a least a week more to finalize I suspect, so please post any ideas for fixes you'd like to see and I'll try to get them in for the first release.
Note that this application can be downloaded from here at the NOC, but that it will take a week or 10 days for me to get the first release uploaded.
- Ala
Generated on April 20, 2007.
Development Update, December 2006-06
MileStone 3
The Dev Team is proud to conclude that MileStone 3 is quite near for release (check the .8 Development Cycle for details). With an enormous amount of commits from Robert, Oracle, PostGreSQL and MsSQL support are close (but not quite complete). The entire distribution should be tested for support to ensure the functionality. For this testing, there is an additional Theme plugin added for better / additional sql debug tracing output / options (function.sqldebug.php).
Patrick started finalizing the Search module, which involves every module that provides searchable data to have a pnsearchapi.php file and two templates, module_search_options.htm and module_search_results.htm. For better functionality, each searchplugin is given its own "namespace" via the array functionality of html forms. When each module is compliant to this standard, much gain can be achieved because (for example) inactive modules will not be called for a search query. Also, modules do not need to check for formdata themselves. See also Module Programming Part 4.
Drak has worked on an upgrader for 0.76x. This incomplete first version of upgrade76.php prepares the core so the usual upgrade script process can run.
The Topics module has been discussed within the theme. As most of you already know, the Categories module is much more powerfull for assigning categories (or topics) to various content on a PN site. The Topics module is an old style module, however lots of modules still rely on the presence of the module (or at least its tables), allthough the modules write directly to the code.
The Dev Team is currently looking for a way to import current Topics into the Categories so that, with an upgrade, on does not have to add these manually. It is up to module developers to support the new categories module, and not rely on the deprecated Topics module anymore. The import process of the Topics module will belong to the Categories module init.
We would like to urge all our test users (not necessarily has to be a developer) to take a look at categories, play around with it, test it, use it and come up with a list of bugs and suggestions for improvements. For feedback, one could use the 0.8-MS2 Feedback and (as always) bugs can be reported to the bug tracker.
Discussed in the team is the addition of config.php.dist files. In short, PostNuke is supplied with a dist file which will be read and modified by the installer, and then saved as config.php. The advantage is that config files can not be overwritten anymore when one upgrades it's PostNuke version. The disadvantage is that the webserver user (for example apache) will be the owner of the file. No decision about this issue has been taken yet, so for this time the historic way of config files is still active.
Jörg has worked on a basic check for module directory consistancy. This means, if there are duplicate module names (like system/foo and modules/foo, or even modules/FOO and modules/foo), the administrator will be noticed about this issue.
Another change is that module vars are now all serialized in the database and there is no longer any need for module developers to serialize or unserialize data before making the database calls.
The modules and system directories, and their purposes, were discussed. The system directory should only contain modules that are not allowed to be removed (the system wouldn't work without them), and the modules directory should include ValueAddons and 3rd party modules that are not a vital part to the core of the PostNuke framework. When you upgrade a module, it is left in an unactivated state, which isn't desirable to system modules. Therefore, System modules are now allowed to transition directly to active state after an upgrade.
The Error Logging functionality has been extended. If a pnRender template does not exist this will also be logged, which could be quite usefull for module developers.
The LogUtil::registerPermissionError() and LogUtil::registerAuthidError() methods are added. These method calls registerError and then logs the failed permission check and failed AuthID check respectively, so that they can be analyzed later. DB errors are now logged by DBUtil and Log Events can now be viewed in the Security Center.
Added by Frank is the option in the Users module to deactivate a user account untill the user re-accepts the terms of use. If he is logged in when deactivating the account he will be logged out during the next page load.
The returned header for a non existing user page now returns 404 in stead of 200, and the age check has been simplified and harder to get around.
Frank also enabled the addition of a generic object attribution (a very nice feature of the ObjectUtil) for the users table. Using this, one can add any datafield to the users table (as long as it is a string with max. 255 characters ;-) )
E.g. it is possible for pnForum now to store user related data this way, which makes its own user table obsolete. If you, as a module developer, need a new datafield, just add it and it is there.
Example: You have an attribute 'someattribute' with 'somevalue'. The array returned by pnUserGetVars() now contains an item '__ATTRIBUTES__' which is an associative array itself with key 'someattribute' and value 'somevalue'.
More information and code snippets can be found in the Wiki after the coding has completed.
Finally, the functions includeOnce and requireOnce were added to the Loader class, which speeds up require_once and include_once by a factor of up to 9 times.
New and updated pnRender Plugins
All pnRender plugins in the core will be renamed to lower case. The parameters used should also be lowercase. The Dev Team would recommend all module developers to do the same.
The following plugins were added or modified:
add_additional_header plugin is replaced with the pnpageaddvar plugin.
moduleadminlinks plugin is modified to add capability of separate title attribute, and allow links to be 'disabled'
pndebugenvironment and pndebug plugins are extended with more info and multilingual support
makelinks outputfilter (theme) plugin is a replacement for pn_bbclick, to create clickable links from urls
Finally, Jörn is planning to use the ExampleDB module as an example for the use of the pnForm plugins also.
Some deletions have been applied to the ValueAddons directory, as follows:
TypeTool: This editor hasn't been updated since ages, the corresponding sourceforge project seems to be inactive for a while, and the html code created by typetool is not following current standards.
Replaced by Xinha (download)
Autolinks and Censor
Replaced by MultiHook (Minimum version needed is MultiHook 5.0 alpha)
Downloads: Maintained by cmods-dev.de
Weblinks: Maintained by cmods-dev.de
Replaced by pnMessages (download)
Replaced by AdvancedPolls (download)
Translations / Language defines
Another 'standard' that the Dev Team would like to recommend to module developers is the use of a naming scheme for translations, as it would help a lot to create more multilingual modules.
Each module should use module specific prefixes in their constant defines, e.g. _FOR_SOMETHINGISMISSING for Formicula or _PNMSG_INBOXFULL for pnMessages. This makes it easier for pnDefinemachine and can lead to more consistent translations.
This also enables us to implement an updated pnml plugin/function that offers the same kind of possibilities that the MultiHook has. All translated defines (or missing defines) get a little button that allows the admin to work on the translaton online while surfing his site. Changes will be stored directly in the pnDefinemachine tables to create the language files later on. Here the prefix enables us to attach the translation to the correct module.
Of course looking up translations in the database is a performance hog, but this should be used during development or if someone is not satisfied with an existing translation.
The current SVN packages can be more and more used as a basis for the .8 language packs: dutch and german translations have already been updated for use with .8, and can either be checked out through SVN or be downloaded as an alpha package.
.8 Stabilization: We need you!
To finalize and stabilize the last MileStone release (and to offer a first release candidate as soon as possible), we need you (the community) to test the current codebase. Install and uninstall all available modules, create users, play with hooks, create and use themes, develop modules, and so on.
Please download the latest Snapshot and install it on your test system (either a webserver, or your local Xampp installation). Wether you have IIS, Apache, MySQL, PostGreSQL or MSSql, it is interesting for all of us. Please also use the ValueAddons package and do the same. You may notice that no real new features are added to them, but this will come when the core is functional and as bug free as possible. If at all you find unreported bugs or errors, please report them in the bug tracker.
As already said: The Core Dev Team is at first interested in a working bug-free core framework and a functional upgrade path from historic distriutions. After that, new features can be added to several ValueAddons and other content modules. One could also use the current Theme module to generate Xanthia 3.0 themes. A useful help for this can be found on Drak's Theme Generator. Module Developers can find a Module Generator on the OpenStar site.
BTW, the .8 Developer Docs in the Wiki may already be very usefull, allthough the provided information is not as complete as one would wish for. Users may find lots of usefull information in the .8 User Docs.
Reminder: Please do not use .8 on any live production site! With MileStone releases or Release candidates, there is no guarantee whatsoever that the quality and security of your site and the product is assured!
Also (as read from the German Community Site) there are a few modules released in alpha status for users to test in a .8 environment:
Formicula 2.0 alpha: Download (Bug reports)
pnUpper 1.0 alpha: Download (Bug reports)
pnTopList 1.0 beta: Download (Bug reports)
Generated on December 18, 2006.
0.8 Development Continuted...
New Blocks Module
The new blocks module designed to work with the recoded Themes engine has been committed to CVS. This new module, while fully working will probably undergo some enhancement before the release of .8 MS1 with use of the new Ajax library a priority. All block management is now fully integrated with the Blocks module, from block position tags to assigning blocks to block positions. Despite these new additions, the block management interface remains fairly simple and intuitive, improving usability over the .7x block control system.
PostNuke Ajax Framework
Also newly committed in the past few days is the PostNuke Ajax framework. This framework is already in use within the Permissions module as a demonstration of what can be achieved. PostNuke's Ajax implementation is based around the prototype.js script and script.aculo.us libraries, which as well as providing nice visual effects are fairly easy to implement for the module developer. This framework was made possible in .8 through core changes to the pnInit() function, which can now be passed a parameter determining what parts of the core should be loaded. In the case of an Ajax framework it is important to limit the initialisation process to an absolute minimum of components for performance reasons. Again, with this in mind each module that wishes to use Ajax functionality should use a new Ajax entry point 'pnajax.php' in their modules. This reduces the number and size of files that are loaded with each Ajax call, but does not prevent you from calling other functions in your module should you require them.
Full documentation on how to use the Ajax Framework should be available with the final .8 release, however in the meantime developers are invited to update their CVS copies and look at what has been achieved so far.
Permissions Module Ajax Enhancements
For some time now, the Permissions module interface has been far from ideal, especially on sites where you have large numbers of permissions. In this situation, the PostNuke Ajax library can be put to very good use, as demonstrated by the demonstration currently in CVS. It is now possible to order permissions through a 'drag and drop' interface, create new permission rules, and also test any permission you have written through an easy to use interface all without reloading the page. Furthermore, you can filter permissions by group for an easy review of a single group's access rights on your website.
We anticipate that the Ajax libary can have many more uses across the codebase for .8, and over time these will be implemented. PostNuke now has a solid Ajax framework upon which third party developers can begin to develop their own Ajax-based modules for use with .8.
Use of pn-clearfix Class in Module Templates
For the new Ajax tableless module administration layouts to work correctly in tableless themes (such as the andreas08 theme in CVS) use has been made of a pn-clearfix class. This has been adapted from positioniseverything. While these changes were prompted by the introduction of Ajax sorting to lists in CVS, the class can be applied in any relevant situation.
Module Dependencies System
With the increasing use of hooks modules across the codebase with the advent of complete API compliance, it was necessary to introduce a dependencies system to PostNuke .8. This system allows modules that support or require particular hooks a way of informing the user of this requirement. In PostNuke .8, the core system will inform site administrators if they are lacking a module which can add functionality to their site. Additionally, the system prevents conflicting modules being installed together. It is up to module authors to set module dependencies in their pnversion.php file, stating a minimum and/or a maximum version required. An example of this is in CVS, in the form of the pnCategories pnversion.php file. When the .8 MS1 release is available, module authors are encouraged to look at this system and use it to their advantage when creating modules in the future.
New Password Hash Methods
Through the .8 PostNuke User's module it is now possible to choose the hash method in use on your site. The addition of both SHA-1 and SHA-256 encryption can add security in sensitive environments, and additionally the ability to change hash method can help when integrating PostNuke with other applications. The hash method changes have been implemented in such a way as to ensure you can change hash method at any point, you are not tied to a particular hash method at installation time.
Session Security Enhancements
More security options for sessions in PostNuke .8 are now available. You can now choose whether to sign cookies sent by your website, decide how long forms on your website should be valid for (through the authkey timeout) and finally enable IP checks to ensure session IP addresses do not change mid-session, which can occur if multiple people use the same account. PostNuke also now supports the setting of a secure host name for HTTPS, if your site does not support HTTPS through its normal domain name.
Site Disable Functionality
When disabling your site in .7x it was important to remember to stay logged in, or you would be locked out of your site with the PostNuke Swiss Army Knife as your only way back in. In .8 this changes, now an admin logon form is available on the site disabled screen to allow you to get back in to a disabled site.
In Closing...
At this stage, many of the key features of .8 are nearing completion, and we remain on track for our target Milestone 1 release
Generated on April 5, 2006.
.8 Development Summary
New Theme Module
Recently, the new theme module, which acts as a replacement for Xanthia in the .8 series was committed to CVS. This module corrects many of the established flaws in the .7x Xanthia codebase and also provides new enhancements. New in this module is the ability to assign a custom template to any page on your website, the use of .ini configuration files in themes, the removal of block control in favour of a new Blocks module and the ability for theme authors to provide a 'version.php' file in their theme to provide relevant information to site administrators.
Using .ini configuration files in the new Themes module brings two advantages over the current setup of Xanthia. Firstly, theme generation and display are much faster as no database queries are required to build the layout. This should provide a marked performance increase in .8 websites. Additionally, it is much easier for theme authors to export their themes, as in the new Theme module the details previously contained in xaninit.php in PHP code are now automatically generated by the Theme module.
Due to the sweeping changes in this new module, the user interface has been completely redesigned. While we realise this will take some getting used to, the new interface is more intuitive than previous versions and logically follows the layout of the Modules module when displaying the available themes. Additionally, all theme related settings have been moved from the Settings module to the Theme module, and the user theme switcher is now part of the Theme module display.
Themes used under the .7x Xanthia module will need upgrading to use the new .8 Themes module. This is a relatively simple process which is mostly handled by the Themes module itself, as both systems are based on Smarty the template logic is the same and there are few changes to the tags themselves. These by and large stay the same with one notable expection, block tags are replaced with the plugin call where name is the name of the block zone to display.
The recoded Blocks module has yet to be checked into CVS, however we anticipate this within the next week. Until that time, the Theme module in CVS is nearing completion and is fully functional.
New Themes / Removal of Old Themes
Two new themes designed for the new Theme engine have been added to CVS. These are free templates from Open Source Web Design, and serve as an example of what can be achieved with the new module. The new themes are tableless and HTML compliant, which along with the improvements in compliance in the rest of the codebase serve to ensure PostNuke remains one of the few content management systems to take HTML standards seriously. All output in .8 will be XHTML valid.
To this end, the old themes that have been present throughout the .7x series are no longer in CVS. While they can be easily converted to work with the new Themes module, they use table based layouts which do not conform to the standards PostNuke has set for output. A appearence overhaul is well overdue for the PostNuke codebase and so a set of new themes will be available with the .8 release.
Workflow Engine
The release of .8 will also bring a new statebased XML Workflow engine to PostNuke with simple API implementation. Additional enhancements are planned to include a workflow schedular to process workflows at timed intervals in batches.
Use of the module is simply a case of adding a directory 'pnworkflows' to your module containing a set of workflows with operations, states and actions. The workflow engine also fully supports the PostNuke permissions system. Documentation for the module will be released with the first .8 Milestone.
XML Event Based Forms
GuppyForm allows a developer to describe a form content and layout in XML with an event handler bringing automatic validation. This can drastically reduce the time taken to develop user input forms. Can be combined with pnRender templates or used standalone. For those that like OO, and descriptive coding, this is an interesting option in the framework.
Completion of Users Module and Profile Enhancements
Another recent change to CVS are updates to the Users and Profile modules. These now almost fully functional, with huge improvements to the dynamic data system now in CVS. New field types avaiable for user input are date fields, calendar 'select date' fields and combination fields where a number of seperate input types can be combined. The new users module also allows for the use of SHA-1 or MD5 password encryption, you can store the user's last login date in the database and finally the registration process has been improved to include the option to vaidate user's email addresses through an activation link. All these improvements are optional and can be enabled and disabled through the Users module administration interface.
Template Updates
As part of an overview of usability and update to the 'look and feel' of PostNuke many of the module templates have been enhanced. These range from subtle changes to much more obvious improvements in the location of links and reporting of status messages. As previously mentioned all templates validate to XHTML standards and further improvements will be made before the final release of .8.
Languages Changes and config Directory
pnDefineMachine is now the recommended tool to use for translating PostNuke into other languages. This third party module scans the whole codebase for language defines and provides an easy to use administration form for translators to write new language files. A new version of pnDefineMachine was released recently, and to facilitate its future development a number of internal define changes have been made. These should not, however affect translators themselves.
Another addition which does affect translators and site administrators is a global language file which can be edited by users and is safe from being overwritten on an upgrade. PostNuke now contains a 'config' directory where all PostNuke's configuration details are stored. The files config.php and config-old.php have been moved to this directory, and furthermore the directory can contain both global template overrides (in addition to theme-specific overrides in use in .7x) and also global language defines. While it is not currently possible to override core language defines through this change without generating a PHP Notice, you can store your own language defines for use in, for example, themes. Any changes you make here will then remain intact throughout any upgrades you may carry out.
.8 Milestone Release Date
After the Steering Committee Meeting held this Tuesday, a tentative release period for .8 Milestone 1 has been set. We currently aim to release .8 MS1 in the third or fourth weeks of April, however this may change if the codebase requires further work for the release to be of the required quality. A milestone release is an opportunity for third party module developers to test their modules with the upcoming release. It is not intended for a production environment and user support is not available for this release, however support for developers will be provided through the forums. The milestone will not be feature complete, and may not be stable.
The milestone can be taken as an indication that the codebase is beginning to get to a usable stage from which we can work towards
Generated on March 31, 2006.
Technote regarding DCrab Security Advisory
in the public CVS. Please keep in mind that .76x is currently a 'Release Candidate' and not intended for use on production sites.
If any customers experience a problem and believe it to be related to this issue, they should open a bugtracker entry, including enviroment information for debugging.
Please also note our security contact form.
PostNuke Developmen
Generated on April 12, 2005.
Some unofficial Rogue 0.7.2 fixes
These fixes apply to 0.7.2 and possibly other Rogue versions too.
As usual the GPL blurb applies. I take no responsibility and make no guarantees etc. etc.
It is possible that the language fixes may contain some British English rather than American
English. Although I can think of no specific instances it is a possibility.
All of these fixes will be in use at http://www.southwest.lug.org.uk after 1st Jan 2002.
If you are using Linux please do not forget to set the permissions for each file.
The following files are included in the archive:
article.php - Comments were broken so are now disabled. For people who keep article.php for backwards compatability with 0.64.
global.php - (from Stats module) Language clean up for Stats page.
global1.php - (global.php from News module) Language fix for News articles.
wl-navigation.php - Puts Web Links navigation links on a new line.
Fixes for the Brittania theme
theme.php - Various fixes for Rogue usablilty.
style.css - A few colour changes for the theme to make some text readable.
A description and where each file goes is included in the archive.
You can download these here and e-mail me here.
Generated on December 28, 2001.
Search page
There is a kind of bug on the search page :
I have the Download, FAQ and Reviews modules turned off, however I still can perform a search on them which resuts to an error.
I think this is hardcoded (see below)... instead it should check if the module are enabled or disabled :
Search Downloads
Search FAQs
Search Web Links
Search Reviews
Search Stories & Topics
Regards and congratz for Rogue, I like it !
Generated on December 5, 2001.
NukePack dot 641 released!
Blocks system, Enhanced Headlines, NukeSuck, Enhanced Modules Admin, Enhanced Web Links, Modular pntables, Modular Admin Block.
New Features:
Tickers: Added fullfeatured advanced Tickers system which is an
alternative to blocks. Displays any amount of information in a scrollable
single line. Scroll speed adjustable. This feature is primarily for
headlines services (this one is builtin as RSS News for NukePack) but any
type of other tickers can be added. Rules are exactly same as for PostNuke
advanced blocks.
NukeBrowser: A web browser which displays almost all web pages from around
the web in PostNuke portal. Frames, forms, redirects supported, javascript
SiteNews: An automated site news generator scans your site and generates
daily articles containing changes. Modular system so module developers may
add config files for the scanner in the includes/sitenews dir. New backendnp
provides whole sitenews based RSS feeds from your site. Multilingual
variables supported (see below).
NukePack Admin Panel: ALL NukePack features can be enabled/disabled,
Multilingual variables: Block titles, content, Articles may contain language
dependent variables (i.e. _TOPICS). If ML option active, these variables
will be translated on the fly.
Enhanced features:
Enhanced News page:
Supports multicolumn layout adjustable 1-4 columns. Allows image attachments
to articles to be more attractive. Centerblocks and Multilingual variables
supported (see above).
Enhanced Blocks system: All blocks are scrollable manually or automatically,
can be reloaded in adjustable intervals of 5 sec - 1 hour independently.
Administrator may restrict appearance of any block for all, members only or
guest only. Added center position to allow blocks to appear in the
centerblock of News page too. "File type" phpNuke blocks are also supported
without any modification. Shadeblocks: blocks can be minimized/restored by
members. Multilingual variables supported (see above).
Enhanced Headlines: Admin has been moved to separate module from blocks
admin. Added NukeSuck feature: You may "suck" feeds from any regular news
site even without RSS/RDF service (See example at the end of this file).
Headlines can be used for blocks or tickers. Builtin NukeBrowser support.
Enhanced Modules Admin: Added automatic sql file interpreter. Generates safe php
install/uninstall scripts from any module's sql file. Lazy developer
support: "sucks" license/credit/help information from modules' script
Enhanced Web Links: Builtin NukeBrowser support.
Modular pntables: added custom pntables support in includes/pntables dir.
Allows overrides and new definitions without touching the new core
Modular Admin Block: waiting contents will be included from
includes/blocks/waitingcont dir so allows module developers to add their own
waiting content options. Displays only nonzero waiting contents.
New Blocks:
oldblocks - phpNuke file type block support
rssnp - NukeSuck and NukeBrows enabled headlines
sitenewsblock - SiteNews Block
Included Oldblocks:
Calculator - for fun
NP FAQ - uses unified blockdump feature
NP Links - uses unified blockdump feature
NP Topics - uses unified blockdump feature
NP Users - uses unified blockdump feature
Nuke Browser - provides URL input field
NukeClock - for fun
Recent Headlines
Recent Links
WhoisOnline - advanced online monitor
New modules:
NS-NP_Config - Admin panel to customize NukePack features
NS-NP_Headlines - NukeSuck enabled headlines admin
NS-NP_Tickers - Similar to Blocks Admin
SiteNews - scans site for changes
NukeBrowser - integrates web into PostNuke portal
Affected core files:
pntables: added modularity
mainfile.php: include_once mf2
mainfile2.php: lang include_once
footer.php: close mysql
article.php and
print.php: image and Multilingual variables support
header.php: modifies themes on the fly for image and Multilingual variables
support and displays tickers
includes/counter.php: iframe support
includes/advblocks.php: completely rewritten
includes/blocks/linklist.php: modular waitingcont
themes/PostNuke/theme.php: full width
Affected modules:
Messages: bug fix
News: added multicolumn, centerblocks, Multilingual variables, image support
NS-AddStory: added Multilingual variables, image support
NS-Blocks: see above
NS-ModulesAdmin: see above
Submit_News: added Multilingual variables, image support
Web_Links: added NukeBrowser support
Simply copy the content of html folder in place, NO core tables will be
modified, new tables and variables will be created automatically as needed
Original distribution files attached in backup folder
Language template included in langtemplate folder
Generated on November 22, 2001.
Use of Postnuke in Intranets
name and file size, preferably in MySQL for easy adminstration reasons. I don't want people to add content to the Apache server.
Users should be added by an administrator instead of allowing users to create their own account, so all references to creating a new account must be removed or perhaps disabled. What would really be nice is an integration with their login names!!
Preferences for users should be disabled to create a uniform look for the intranet
Well, that's about it. Please tell me what you think of the above. I know I missed something.
Postnuke is a potential intranet killer with these things added.
Generated on August 19, 2001.