I currently run PHPNuke 5.01 (I think?) and had a devil of a time inputting a years worth of old stories ... it looks, to the casual reader of our site, that we wrote a TON of stories on August 6, 2001 ... when all I did was input the old ones.
So what kind of demand is there to have a funciton that will allow you to migrate 'standard' CMS systems, like PHPNuke OR to have an 'archive' function that will allow you to add your 'old' news tothe 'archives' with the correct dates?
I'd like to not have to go through the same nonsense when I am ready to switch over to Post Nuke ... a year and a half's worth of stories 'written' on one day. I like Post Nuke and want to run with it, but I think this is probably the "make or break" feature I'm looking for, for the sake of the continuity for our audience.