Ammodump was asked to join the team. As quoted from his introduction in the team: "I enjoy being a community member, and that often my comments hold weight. Sometimes my comments and advice are misguided, but sometimes it is hard to understand others questions ;-) ". With two main hobbies (PN and beer), Ammodump seems to be born for the support team here at the community website.
As some people already know, there is a remote code injection problem with the language parameter as mentioned in the Feedback Forum. Both the .7 and the .8 versions have been updated to fix this security vulnerability, so everybody is urged to upgrade their PostNuke version to the latest release (see also Release Announcement). Some background information: The FormUtil::getPassedValue() function also accepts an input vector GETPOST now. It allows to ensure that the contents of _COOKIE are not taken into account when you get data (as it would be when you go through _REQUEST). The input domain is limited to _GET and _POST and not through _REQUEST / _COOKIE anymore. This is applied firstly to the newlang and thistheme parameters, and has been (and will be) applied to the rest of the core functions additionally.
Some features have been added to the session handling in the core system:
The session regeneration options are available in the (upgraded) Settings module.
Also fixed for both the 0.764 release as well as the 0.8 release are some PHP >= 5.2.0 issues due to session handling (See the forums, credits to fredatwork). It seems to solve the problems with PostNuke installations running on 5.2.0 or higher.
The minimum version for MySQL has been raised to 4.1.x, due to some installer problems that are related to old 3.x databases. See also MySQL's lifetime philosophy at Planet MySQL. Due to security reasons, the recommended minimum php-version is at least 4.3.10.
Now fixed are some install problems with register_globals ON. In addition, there has been added a check for register_globals at the .76x install process for information only. The installation of PostNuke on these environments is nevertheless still possible. Sync with the .8 installer is to be done.
The internal variables statusmsg and errormsg are now arrays: it is now possible to capture (and display) multiple errors. Therefore, pnGetStatusMsg() is renamed to pnGetStatusMsgs() and LogUtil::getStatusMessagesText().
Float handling returns from Ajax has been discussed within the team. It appears that floats in the Non-US locales did not correctly set the decimal delimiters. Therefore, the locale has been set to en_US to ensure this. A solution for writing floats to the DB is still pending.
Robert has added the encryption / decryption methods, using the mcrypt library function, for use in the API.
In the Theme module, the plugins for showing the sitename, slogan and complete title have been altered to use multilanguage support.
The Settings module has some nice dynamic interface elements added to the Security and General function types, increasing useability in this one.
The magic_quotes_gpc recommendation for .8 has been changed. It should be off in stead of on. According to php security group, this feature is inconsistent in blocking attacks, and can in some cases cause data loss with uploaded files. Besides the revert of magic_quotes_gpc recommendation, the SysInfo module now also checks for allow_url_include (new in PHP 5.2) and the suhosin patch/extension.
Finally, all variables retrieved through FormUtil::getPassedValue() are now cached
The Pages module now displays the category that each page belongs to in the overview.
The Error module (or Error handler, where error pages within PostNuke are handled) has been undergoing some changes. System errors, forbidden / not-found errors and specific API errors have their own templates and level of error reporting. A no-auth error will result in a more suitable 403 response rather than a 200-response with a status message. As a result, a lot of code has been altered to correctly use the new Log- and Error message handling.
The Wiki module has been renamed to more suitable 'Wiki_Code', as this module is a transform hook to enable Wiki formatting in content items.
The ExampleObj module has been reviewed, revised and updated by Robert. It should serve as a good example for any module writers using the new PN object model.