
Flexible Content Management System


Have we forgotten the way PostNuke handles content?

Contributed by on Jan 05, 2004 - 05:00 PM

Think of PostNuke allowing us to create content elements and specify what that content element will be like. For news we would specify a title which will be text, for the story we would specify a body and an extended body which will be text as well, a publish date which will be a date and a topic which might be an image. The system would eventually have built-in ways of handling the different types that will make up a content element and will allow more powerful content handling. Think of how it will then be able to extend certain content types like images to allow us uploading or modifying them, documents allowing us to keep different versions, work flow allowing us to specify a working process to manage our content.

What has changed in that part of the system since the fork from PostNuke? Well not much as I see it. I have not heard any plans for that part of the system and this is the main reason I am writing to point out this problem. What I mentioned above would allow us to extend and customize the main functionality PostNuke has out of the box like news, reviews, articles, downloads, links and FAQ. Many will argue that many different modules are around that do just about anything but I don’t mean by using modules or anything but allowing us to customize the way PostNuke holds content. A core content module could replace all those modules and provide the means for creating content elements like them but also allowing us to customize and give more power to the developer and bring PostNuke to another level.

I currently run 2 sites which are built upon PostNuke. a Greek localized site for Cypriot computing enthusiasts. an English site for Cypriot gaming enthusiasts. And I am concerned on PostNuke’s future and especially the way it handles and allows us to customize content.