In response to this alert below is code to properly correct this issue.
Also posted here:
<a href=""target="blank">
Here is a simple fix to the issue. Long term the error reporting should probably be done to a file or set as an option so that more details information could be presented when needed in debugging and none when in a production state.
Hope this helpful.
File: legacy.php
* Error message due a ADODB SQL error and die
function PN_DBMsgError($db='',$prg='',$line=0,$message='Error accesing to the database')
// 2 lines added to strip the server root path
$padprg = $prg ;
$prg = str_replace($_SERVER["SITE_HTMLROOT"], "...", $padprg);
$lcmessage = $message . "" .
"Program: " . $prg . " - " . "Line No.: " . $line . "" ;
// remove report of DB name not necessary in most cases
// "Database: " . $db->database . " ";
if($db->ErrorNo()<>0) {
$lcmessage .= "Error (" . $db->ErrorNo() . ") : " . $db->ErrorMsg() . "";