It's actually a fairly non-invasive technique.
First off open up the following File:
Then go ALL the way to the bottom of the file. At around line 270 you will find the following code:
if($dbconn->ErrorNo()<>0) {
echo $dbconn->ErrorNo(). "Create default group membership: ".$dbconn->ErrorMsg(). "
error_log ($dbconn->ErrorNo(). "Create default group membership: ".$dbconn->ErrorMsg(). "
Directly under that snippet, insert the following:
// NewUser Mail To Admin Hack
// Author: Cloudrunner of The Noble Pagan
// Website:
$message1 = "A New User Has Registered At $sitename!\n\n They used this email: ($var[email]) to register the following NickName: $var[uname]";
$subject1 = "A New User Has Registered At $sitename!";
$to = "$adminmail";
// End Part 1 of NewUser Mail To Admin Hack
After you do this, jump down to some where around line 278 or so and you will find this snippet:
if ($system == 1) {
Directly below that insert the following:
//Part 2 of NewUser hack
pnMail($to, $subject1, $message1, "From: $from\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
// End Part 2
and Lastly find this code around line 281:
} else {
pnMail($var['email'], $subject, $message, "From: $from\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
and insert this line directly below that:
// Part 3 of NewUser Hack
pnMail($to, $subject1, $message1, "From: $from\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
// End Part 3
Save the file, and then upload to overwrite the file on your server.
Now whenever a new user registers, you will get a short notification email telling you someone has.
You can modify the message sent by modifying the variable: $message1 leave the following within the message quotes however: $sitename, $var[email], and $var[uname].
That's it. I hope that this helps some of you out. Feel free to email me with any questions (even though there shouldn't bee, it's fairly straightforward) at:
May your dreams come to life.
)O( Cloudrunner )O(
The Noble Pagan