You can choose from a list of providers or put your favorite webpages xml feed url in the program and be trolling headlines in no time.
You can find Feedreader from
Feedreader features
Displays RSS 0.9, 0.91, 0.92 1.00 (including Dublin core and Slashback extensions) feeds.
Supports tags for background multimedia files download
Has, NewsIsFree, Userland, Groksoup, Moreover channels builtin
Ideal for mobile networking (GPRS) because of low bandwidth usage and little byte transfer (no graphics).
Possibility to add your own custom channel
Compact size: download only 650kB
Imports RSS headlines from leading syndicators
If news text is available, it will be showed in minibrowser
Caches headlines for offline viewing
Nice and clean interface
Allows search cached newsfeed's headlines or topics for a phrase
Possibility to send article to a friend by email
Multilanguage support
Feed alerts: Feedreader sits on your taskbar and checks for new messages in background. If any of feeds is updated, small message will appear on taskbar.
Windows 95 or newer
Internet Explorer 4.0 or newer