Meanwhile the system is going to be "finished" in its first revision and has a lot of very special features:
- using ADODB for all db-operations (makes the system work with mysql, mssql, odbc, oracle and many more)
- using rFastTemplates to manage design without any limit! Supports multi-dynamic and nested blocks!
- optional LDAP-authorisation
- full modularized system (you can easily change the db-engine, the template-engine, blocks-engine and whatever - without changing each single block-script or other scripts)
- management for user- and admingroups, including full competence-catalogs
- usergroup-assigned content-output
- multi-languages
- administration has been fully split off and CAN be run from another sub/-domain (on same server as public site) and from a second db!
- all modules are handled as blocks
- makes use of PHP-Sessions only!!! NO MORE COOKIES!!!
- full tracking of users and admins to a log-db
and much much more...
This System is NOT A POSTNUKE-FORK and it's not compatible to Postnuke in any way!
Well, the first revision is only a base-system and a lot of enhancements will follow. I'm thinking of releasing this project under GPL/GNU... Is there any interesst for this?